
Hive Dwellers, Hamish Kilgour to play Market Hotel

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The Hive Dwellers by Sarah Cass

Market Hotel, the venue at the crux of the Myrtle-Broadway intersection, on top of venerable juice distributor Mr. Kiwi's, is beginning its comback on Friday April 6 with its first public show in over two years. Since they were shut down in 2010 they've had a secret show here and there (memorably, Death Grips' first New York appearance on a 104° day last summer), and they've been simultaneously investigating the official route, which would enable them to be a real venue instead of a DIY space. This show, with Calvin Johnson's The Hive Dwellers, Hamish Kilgour (The Clean) & Laila Adu, the Curious Mystery, and Katie Eastburn (Young People), is presumably a first step back into public life for the space. From Todd P, who runs Market:

“It's important to note that, while this is an exciting development and reflects progress on The Market Hotel Project plan to reopen the space as a fully legit, licensed performance space – there is still a ways to go before the space can host a regular schedule. Reflective of the process, the concert on Friday night will not feature a bar and no alcohol will be served. The show was relocated from the Flatiron Hotel Rooftop because that roof patio became suddenly unavailable. This is a unique, un-amplified event and it called for a special, reverent space…. and being Good Friday, all of the churches were booked! We're really happy to open the doors to Market Hotel for this special concert as a taste of what's to come there. This will be the last chance to see Market in its old glory, before renovation begins.”

Renovation! No bar! Whoa. Big steps. You can go to Todd's site for more about the show and the project. (The show was moved from a Manhattan hotel rooftop because there were cell phone towers there.)

If you like shows in weird places, you might also want to check out another Todd P. show, Black Dice and Oneohtrix Point Never in a deli called the Living Bread on Saturday. It's as well-lit there as you think it'll be!