
Hot Sugar, “Honeycomb Hideout”

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Hot Sugar

Hot Sugar, born Nick Koenig, is back again this year with a wet, bass-heavy drip of a hip-hop track titled “Honeycomb Hideout” featuring vocals from Aaron Livingston and Izza Kizza from his upcoming EP, Midi Murder. The track is a straightforward collaboration, with Hot Sugar leaving enough room for his guests to build and shine without feeling like he isn’t a dominant force molding the track’s direction. Still, Livingston’s soulful crooning and Kizza’s Outkast inspired lyrical and rhythmic onslaught liven up the slow and dark push of “Honeycomb Hideout,” pull it out, chop it up and refine it into a shoulder swaying banger that it is.

Hot Sugar dropped Moon Money earlier this year with Ninja Tune and is set to release an EP later this month on Scion A/V with some serious names like Heems, Kool AD, Children of the Night’s Nasty Nigel, Lakutis and Big Baby Gandhi. (Aaaand.. breathe.) Got Damn. Thank you, Toyota?