
Jawbreaker Reunion releases Lutheran Sisterhood Gun Club on cassette

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To the continued dismay of emo nostalgia diehards everywhere, Jawbreaker still has not reunited. Instead, their name has been adopted by pop-punk feminists and Bard college students Lily, Dre, Bella, and Thom, who perform together under the moniker Jawbreaker Reunion. Though decidedly unGoogleable, Jawbreaker Reunion has attracted a devoted league of fans and coverage since the online release of Lutheran Sisterhood Gun Club in May 2014.

The fun and raucous album detailing the college experience, the female experience, and consequently the human experience is now Miscreant Records’ first tape release of the year. The music is pounding and propulsive riot grrrl-inspired punk rock but the subject matter is multifaceted. Songs like “Jeggings” tackle what it means to be a female in a music scene, while other songs like “Straightedge Revenge” deliver broader social commentary through the lens of social anxiety. Cutting and emotional lyrics explore varied and accessible identities, making it a critical commentary without being explicitly political.

Recorded by Atticus and Dash of Hammett and Finch, Lutheran Sisterhood Gun Club sounds like a revolution that you want to listen to. Jawbreaker Reunion makes punk rock with a clearly audible message, separating themselves from the wave of punk music that’s requisitely buried in fuzz, noise, and nearly inaudible voices. The album features great songs that are both passionately anarchic and positively clean.

Lutheran Sisterhood Gun Club is out today as a purple tape, on Miscreant Records.