
Jerome LOL announces new EP

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Jerome LOL, Deleted/Fool EP

Former LOL Boys member Jerome LOL has remained in our headphones and playlists since the dissolution of his group with Markus Garcia. It was Friends of Friends who brought the LOLs and the phenomenal track of 2012, “Changes”, to our attention and it's FOF who welcome Jerome LOL back for solo EP scheduled for early 2014.

Much like “Changes”, the first single from Jerome LOL's upcoming EP enters on a drum roll before settling into jazzy keys one might find on a D33J instrumental. Vocalist Sara Z, who is featured on the a-side of the EP, directs the single into the familiar positive vibes territory we always seem to get from Jerome LOL. She's assures, we're always welcome back because it could be different every time, noting these circular patterns are just a force of nature with a potential of great heights.

Jerome LOL's Deleted/Fool EP is out February 4 on Friends of Friends.