
Marching Church announce debut album

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The ability to say exactly what you mean, and to convey it in the exact terms and medium you want to is an art form more powerful than many realize. Such might be said for Marching Church, the new project from Iceage’s Elias B. Rønnenfelt, who just announced his debut LP titled, This World Is Not Enough, on Sacred Bones Records and Posh Isolation (UK/EU), out March 31 and March 30, respectively.

The first single, “Hungry For Love,” is a romantic’s ode to romanticism, dancing on the edges of genre, employing a wealth of emotional dexterity, ranging from playful innocence to lustful confidence to crazed desperate longing, Elias paints a picture with his voice, of the life of a heart, spent reaching out with burning desire and being shunned, ignored, rejected. You can almost visualize a hand grasping at something ungraspable, as he repeats, “Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry for your love.”