
No Age shares new video for “I Won't Be Your Generator”


No Age, who released handcrafted fourth LP, An Object, last year, have shared a video for one of the album's best tracks. “I Won't Be Your Generator” features a series of images of various surfaces and abstract visuals that move slowly while the song plays in its background. Directed by Oliver Payne, its artistic nature pays tribute to the physicality of the duo's latest release.

No Age will play a few dates in Japan, followed by three in their homestate of California. For more on No Age, read up on a profile we did of the band on the advent of An Object's August release.

01 Tokyo, Japan – Club Quattro
02 Osaka, Japan – Conpass
28 San Francisco, CA – Bottom of the Hill (Noise Pop)
01 San Francisco, CA – Brick & Mortar Music Hall (Noise Pop)
15 Los Angeles, CA – Center for the Arts