
Vivian Girls call it quits

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The triumphant and at times intimidating shoegazey threepiece that was Vivian Girls is now no longer, according to a graceful goodbye the band posted to their Facebook this morning. As Cassie Ramone, Katy Goodman, and Ali Koehler put it:

Hi friends,

Brooklyn, New York, March 2007: we started making music together and became what we know as Vivian Girls. It's been a long and crazy journey in the seven years since, and we feel as though the time has finally come to let our band rest in peace. It's been an experience that we'll look back on and cherish and we'd like to thank you for sharing it with us. We have had such an amazing time being a band, touring the world, releasing records and meeting all of you.

We've booked some ALL AGES shows as a goodbye. The first will be on February 14th at The Church on York in LA. The second will be on March 1st at Death by Audio in Brooklyn.

Here is a TICKET LINK for the LA Church show:

Here is a TICKET LINK for the NYC Death by Audio show:

Feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates in our other pursuits:
@cassieramone @iamkatygoodman @hernameisali

Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way, everyone
who has come to our shows, bought our records and supported us, and
everyone we will meet in the future.

Vivian Girls

Luckily, it's not the last you'll see of the trio—Ramone is an integral songwriter in The Babies, as Goodman is in La Sera, and Koehler is in Upset. The three bands will continue to make music, and hopefully, some day down the line, we can expect a forty-festival tour from Vivian Girls, a la Outkast.