
Peanut Butter Wolf's Instagram reveals Madvillainy 2 nearly finished

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Madvillainy 2

When news broke of an email screenshot on Peanut Butter Wolf's Instagram of, presumably, MF Doom assuring the Stones Throw founder that Madvillainy 2 was nearly complete, it felt like the best Friday in 10 years. Finally the long-delayed follow-up to the MF Doom and Madlib collaboration would become a reality, rather than a rap nerd fantasy.

Not long after, Peanut Butter Wolf removed the post, replacing it with a cheesy April Fool's Day image and the caption, “I know I'm a week late, but to everyone who thought that last post was really from DOOM…”. Villainy strikes.

We're pretty sure there's a special tier of hell for people who play belated April Fool's Day pranks. Speaking of hell, expect Madvilliany 2 on the day it freezes over.

We suppose this is the part of the news article in which we remind you that Madvillainy is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.