
Pussy Riot Sentenced to Two Years in Prison; Protests Planned Worldwide

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From the New York Times, if you live in a cave…:

While a guilty verdict against the three women, members of a band called Pussy Riot, was widely expected, suspense had built over how severe a punishment they would receive. Prosecutors had demanded three-year prison terms.

As the judge, Marina Syrova, read the lengthy verdict, hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse and shouted, “Free Pussy Riot!”

Riot police officers arrested dozens of them, including the former chess champion Garry Kasparov, who is active in the Russian political opposition. Mr. Kasparov fought with the police and appeared to be beaten as he was bundled into a paddy wagon.

If you are having a protest in your town, let us know! Write it in the comments below or tweet at us (@IMPOSE), or you could just take pictures while you are there and hashtag them (#IMPOSE) while you are there. We'll try and tweet about gatherings, protests, and happenings throughout the day to protest the prison sentence of Pussy Riot.