
Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina hospitalized over hunger strike

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pussy riot

A week ago, Maria Alyokhina, one of the two remaining jailed members of anti-Kremlin feminist group Pussy Riot, announced that she'd be undergoing a hunger strike. The protest was in response to her parole panel not allowing her to be present at her own proceedings, at which she was instead videoed in. A week later, based on reports from Pyotr Verzilov, the husband of jailed PR member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, it appears that Alyokhina has now been hospitalized from her strike. No official reports have been made, but we hope that she gets the treatment that she needs, and that the two remaining members are freed soon.

The sentence for Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina is due to end next March.