
R.I.P. Double Dagger

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double dagger live

The Baltimore mainstays are pouring some cement into their legendary status among those epically charged, scuzzily emotive bands that've spawned along the eastern seabord since the dawn of Fugazi. Their tombstone will read 2002-2011, but their names are etched on the packed warehouses and lofts they've tirelessly toured and performed in for years.

We'll let them do most of the talking:

To answer the inevitable question about why we're breaking up: Like any relationship's end, it's complex, but for us it mostly comes down to time. As the band got older and grew and changed, the people in it did too, and our individual lives are pulling us towards other pursuits. With this in mind, we decided to focus on playing a few final shows in some of our favorite cities, and go out on a high note instead of slowing fading away. We still like the music, the shows, and each other, and we think it's best to bring things to a close while we can still devote our full energy to this music. We've been taking time off from playing live to finish a few new songs, which will be released posthumously in some format (the details are still being figured out). We've also been planning a string of final shows in some of our favorite cities next month.

Double Dagger, you'll be missed!