
Sacred Bones Releases Eraserhead Soundtrack

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Some films just have a way of shaping and changing the way you look at things: I think I can say that for a lot of people I know, that movie is Eraserhead. Easily one of Lynch's best films in a filmography that consists of a multitude of masterpieces, Eraserhead sucks viewers into another universe, and doesn't release them until the end, if ever. For those unfamiliar with the film, Eraserhead tells the story of a man named Henry Spencer who, essentially, must deal with becoming a father in a cold, industrial wasteland. Its black and white imagery is desolate, terrifying, and unlike anything to this day. However brilliant it is visually, its use of sound and music is breathtaking.

Now, Sacred Bones are pressing the pioneering soundtrack to wax. Created by Lynch and sound designer Alan Splet, the two spent years creating the soundtrack to Lynch's debut vision. What they ended up making was truly remarkably. The Eraserhead soundtrack is the sound of broken radiators, harsh industrial noise, nostalgic and disturbed organs, and ghostly squeaks that wouldn't only influence other filmmakers, but also musicians. Of course Peter Ivers' legendary “In Heaven” is included, as well as a new unreleased Iver's recording. The original soundtrack recording is limited to 1500 copies and also contains an additional 7″.