
Shady Hawkins plan “Last Show Ever” at Silent Barn

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Bands come and go. Bands are fluid. Bands are ephemeral. But all things considered, it is never easy to say goodbye to the ones we love. On Saturday, November 8, we will say goodbye to Shady Hawkins, the witchy punk project of Suzy X (a former Impose contributor), Matt Presto, Sabrina Elba, and Mike Funk.

But rather than posting a simple farewell letter on Facebook and peacing out forever, the band organized a glorious LAST SHOW EVER featuring Aye Nako, Gay Panic, Phantom Rides, and Alice. Even if you can’t make the show, please listen to Shady Hawkins’ stellar 2012 album Dead To Me and join us in mourning the loss of one of Brooklyn’s most empowering punk groups.

Shady Hawkins’ LAST SHOW EVER

November 8
The Silent Barn, $7
Aye Nako
Gay Panic
Phantom Rides