
Listen to/watch a trippy visualizer for Superhumanoids' “Bad Weather”

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In anticipation of their record Exhibitionists, which releases through Innovative Leisure on August 6, Superhumanoids have set up their site to do what we all secretly want: an aggregate of GIFs from curated Tumblrs while their sleepy, lullaby-reminiscent track, “Bad Weather”, plays on in the background. It's your perfect antidote to a lot of things, but most notably your morning blaze. I've already listened to and watched the visualizer for over twenty minutes, without realizing it. The track itself is so sweetly gorgeous that it's not a difficult task to play through it over and over and over. Head over to this site to catch it in action, or stream “Bad Weather” below.

Exhibitionists can be preordered at Innovative Leisure here.