
Teen River February Batch

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The tape label Teen River, based in Chicago, has only been in existence for a few short months but they have already set the bar pretty high for themselves. Releasing 12 tapes in their first month, then upping the ante to 20 tapes for their next release, the February Batch sees the 20 and raises it two, showcasing a varied roster of 22 artists and bands, some of whom must secretly be the same people. The label has made many of the tracks available on the Teen River Part 2 Soundcloud page. Teen River releases all their tapes for the month concurrently, selling two tapes for $5, five tapes for $10 or 20 tapes for $40. As the tapes sell out, buying a month's complete batch becomes impossible, and owning a complete set of the history from a crazy ambitious label run by two industrious and energetic souls slips away from reality. And really: Teen River isn't even a quarter of a year old but they have already released more than 50 tapes. What have you done in the past three months? Check out their Tumblr here. Some songs that I was into:

TR034: GANGES: “Mega Babes ft Franklin Slop.” Lots of reverb, illustrious guitar solos and muffled vocals make this track immediately inviting and easy to listen to on repeat.

TR035: NO SCHOOL GET FUCKED UP “Wild boyfriend.” A forceful drum beat leads into a distorted melody and the confesion that the lead singer is a wild boyfriend and doesn't give a damn.