
The Silent Barn to host 50 Years of Cassettes

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50 years of tapes

It's hard to believe but the cassette tape has been around for fifty long years. It's outlasted a slew of different audio playback materials, most notably being the CD (har har), and in order to show some love for these magnificent babies and their resurgence in underground music, The Silent Barn is throwing a party. The event is called 50 Years of Cassettes and it will be an all-day affair, showcasing music by primarily tape-based artists Aki Onda, G. Lucas Crane, Emmanual Ferrant, and Rinus Van Alebeek. In addition to their performances, you can also watch a series of experimental films shot on PixelVision by Sarah Halpern while eating tape-shaped snacks. It sounds like it's going to be a fun day full of combined nostalgia and prescience.

The event will take place on Sunday, March 17 at The Silent Barn at 603 Bushwick Ave. and starts at 4pm. Take a look at the event details and RSVP here.