
Three videos approved by NASA

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As The Benjamins told us in 2001, space is the place but it's never gonna be home, and both admirers of space on Earth and in interplanetary orbit have taken time out to appreciate the forever-connected bonds between music and the great wide out there. For the astrophile, we've got two videos and a third that we'll make mention of to start your Monday morning on the right foot, even if that foot is hanging in the air because of anti-gravity. The first comes from the best and only Canadian to be commander of the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield, who has recorded a full music video of him playing a cover of David Bowie's “Space Oddity”. There is possibly nothing more beautiful than this take on the song because, I mean, do I have to explain it? Also, can anyone figure out how he recorded drums up there?

Our second video is a gorgeous, heavy-in-feeling video from electronic artist and producer Lugh, based out of London. In this visually stirring portrayal of an astronaut trying to find his place, the viewer feels a companionship with astronauts and their ultimate desire to be out and above the world. Lugh's video is as affecting, if not more, than the Hadfield one, if only because the cosmonaut has lost his place. All of the sadness.

The last video, which you can watch here, is of Daft Punk playing a vinyl record on their spaceship. It seems pretty obvious that vinyl would be obsolete in a world where musicians live on spaceships, right? No?