
Watch Bill Ryder-Jones create a song using found sounds

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Philips cityscape headphones

Philips recently launched a video series called You Need To Hear This, exploring the connection between technology and sound through influential musicians like Zola Jeus and Xander Duell. One of the more compelling takes on the series comes via this ā€œLost & Foundā€ episode with Bill Ryder-Jones. The former guitarist for The Coral has since gone on to pursue a solo career as well as scoring films, so he was an ideal choice to tag along with for a field recording mission in Liverpool. While weā€™re sure the microphone and headphones work brilliantly, itā€™s quite interesting to see what sounds the composer is drawn to during his pursuit of found sounds, and how they ultimately fit into the composition. ā€œThis is an experiment with a romantic edge,ā€ Ryder-Jones says as the song begins. Even the darkest souls in our office can appreciate that.

Watch episode 3 of Lost & Found below. You can listen to Bill Ryder-Jones full composition here.