
Women 7″ with Friendo and other friends

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Women, Faux Discx 7"

We've yet to place a Say Goodbye grave marker over Women and the Women have yet to make a formal address regarding the state of its band since declaring exhaustion, so let's take solace in a new 7″.

Faux Discx know how to cram a 7″, squeezing the concentrate of Women, step-brother band Friendo, Cold Pumas and Fair Ohs into the mini-vinyl. Women's contribution “Bull Fight” sounds like a subdued b-side from the Public Strain sessions, while Friendo reaffirms its Sonic Youth admiration. With Women in limbo, it would be in your best interest to invest in the “Bullfight” 7″ as it may be the band's last release, but let's hope not. You can listen to the 7″ in its entirety and purchase here. Only 500 copies made.