
Work Drugs, “Young Lungs”

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Philadelphia's Work Drugs celebrate two years as a group with their latest single “Young Lungs” proclaiming to be your favorite while indulging you to “drink up” their pop arrogances. An epic year for the vision cruise dazed crusaders that just released their new album Delta, already hot on the heels of Tigerbeats from this past October, and July's plush Absolute Bearing. In excerpts from a Work Drugs' 2 year anniversary release, Ben Louisiana and Tom Crystal state:

“We were hoping to wait till 2013 to put this song up, but with the impending apocalypse we figured we'd put it out a few days early.”

El Segundo gets a shout out as does Los Angeles, as Ben and Tom bring Philly brotherly love and keyboard conceits to the western empire of angels and demons. “LAX is splitting the ozone, young lungs still burn.” The metronome synths and unabashed lyrical gushing of self-assertions make this song more than a best-new-track, “asterisk in your story book” And if all this were not enough to ward off the bummer vibes of doomsday, Maxfield Gast takes it to the next level with his blaring sax tone that that stirs up new emotion while displacing point in time references of audio recognition.

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Further instructions ask you to, “Please enjoy this song while hang gliding, BASE jumping, freestyle scootering, and/or sexting.” And to go in hand with that vision, Work Drugs has prepared the following video that characterizes the fresh exhilaration of Philadelphia's sonic sound stylists feeling 2 years younger and sounding 2 years ahead of the curve.

Ben and Tom leave you with the following quote taken from self-sufficiency expert, John Seymour with:

“No one can consistently get everything wrong. Such perfection does not exist.”

Work Drugs' new album Delta is available now and play Brooklyn's Glasslands, Saturday December 22.