
The digital hardcore revival episode

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This week Eric tries to kickstart the Digital Hardcore Revival by playing some recent Digital Hardcore and hiding it amongst some other darker, chugging music. It rules. He also plays the latest from the Riots Not Diets camp, some sloppy garage rock, and an intense social justice track from CRASHprez. Listen up.

Peace to Zack Sabre Jr.

blakblakblak, “Smash and Dash”
Decide Today, “Bulletbelt”
Oväder, “Bloodhype”
Art Zero Feat Kristal Ann, “Plastic Pleasures”
Paul White, “Numbers of Change”

Alison’s Birthday, “Closet Peace”
Alison’s Birthday, “Psychic Vampire”
The Ethical Debating Society, “Hobson’s Choice”
The Ethical Debating Society, “Outside”
Shellac, “Riding Bikes”
Dark Times, “Give”
Joyride!, “Morning Riser”
Bitpart, “Aaah”
Faux Kings “Don’t You Just Know it?”

Willie Green “Chapter 2 (Rebel March)”
CRASHprez, “Leave A Note (feat. David Lopez)”