
Eric plays Spice Girls Demos!

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Audio Imposition 2-11-15 by Impose Magazine on Mixcloud

This week the Audio Imposition, THE SPICE GIRLS! The Spice Girls dropped some demos, so we play one of them! We also play some soft spoken folk, the new Joanna Gruesome, some Cheap Wig, and we close out with the new Meyhem Lauren. It ruuuuuuuulz.

may.e+丘, “Sober Color”
Slutever, “Open Wide”
Beautiful Sundays, “Simone”
Sports, “Clean Jeans”
Joanna Gruesome, “Last Year”
Cheap Wig, “Human Garbage”
Fuckin A, “Krishna Vs Snake”
Spice Girls, “Pain Proof”
NXWorries, “Suede”
Spaceships, “Stone”
Noyades, “Bear Rider”
Young Ruins, “Low Enforcement”
Ours Blond, “What a piece of work is H.Ford”
Johnny Mox, “They told me to have faith and all I got was the sacred dirt of my empty hands”
Doomtree, “Mini Brute”
Meyhem Lauren, “Fly Counterparts”