

The New Heaven and the New Earth's All Saints' Day

The New Heaven and the New Earth

I believe this is exactly what they meant when they started calling things chamber pop, though back then they couldn't throw it all together with

Questioning Kirkman's comments

Hello and welcome to Seduction of the Innocent, a blog about the wonderful world of the BIFF! BANG! POW! and the pannapictagraphists who love it.

Wildly alluring Sharon Gong

Sifting through one of my favorite tumblr blogs, Blood is the New Blackk, I find a seemingly innocent photograph of a girl holding her lace

Girly Crush on Monica Canilao

For those of you who follow this blog, you're probably aware of the serious crushes I've developed for those who are wildly talented amongst the

MtyMx: We had fun

In which we make the most out of our trip in Monterrey, and have a set of wheels to get us there. Friday We breezed