
Deaf Poets Tour Diary, Part III

Post Author: Impose Automaton

(San Diego, CA / Los Angeles, CA / San Francisco, CA  / Portland, OR)

San Diego (“Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale’s vagina.” Ron Burgundy)
CALIFORNIA!!!! We finally arrived at our first destination in Cali after sleeping for a few hours on the side of the scariest highway ever. There was not a soul around and it was too quiet for comfort. We have some sad news to report that during this drive, Sean accidentally ran over a beautiful rabbit that was crossing the highway. May it rest in peace… Anyways! We kept driving and pulled over to climb some cliffs and check out the windmill farm that surrounded the never-ending desert landscape.

Wish we incorporated this amazing renewable energy in Miami. We finally arrived to our friend Nicole’s house in San Diego to a beautiful hot day in the City. We want to thank Nicole and Belinda for hosting us for three nights and taking us out to sightsee. Our first stop was the beach where we hiked the cliffs overseeing the Pacific Ocean. After our hiking adventure, we went back to Nicole’s to eat home made tacos before our show at Soda Bar w/ Imagery Machine and Twin Ritual. What a sick venue and incredibly nice people. Thank you to the local bands for being extremely friendly and making us feel at home! I can’t wait to play San Diego again!


Los Angeles
We had the next three days off before our show in L.A. but had to drive into the city to do an acoustic session with Idobi Radio. We did acoustic versions of two singles off the new record, Celestine and Are You DP.  Can’t wait to see/hear the performance! We had the whole day left to explore Los Angeles and Dom and I had a mission in mind. Eleven years ago we visited L.A. with our high school for music competition. One of the stops was the Hollywood Walk of Fame and we were heavy into our Hendrix phase. We needed to find his star. We spent an hour looking for it and when we finally did, we took a pic with someone else’s camera and lost the pic forever. This time around we needed to fulfill the prophecy. So after a few blocks of walking on what felt like Ocean Drive (very touristy and ratchet part of South Beach) x 1000, we found what we were looking for!
After that very important stop, we hit up our friend and fellow Miami native, Corey Perez. We met at his house and got in his hybrid (super cool) and went exploring/hiking trying to somehow make it to the Hollywood sign without any sort of direction. We were hoping to just run into it while we drove on cliffs and beautiful homes that oversaw all of L.A. Shout out to “Sweet Cheese” for making the adventure more interesting. Once we gave up on the sign, we wanted to see the sunset on top of a cliff so we asked him to treat us like his date and take us to a romantic spot. Accidentally we found a path to a cliff that had a 360 view of Los Angeles. Absolutely amazing! We all fought the urge to make out with each other (that spot was that powerful).

We closed out the night with In-n-Out. First time ever for us and OMG! Got the double and fries animal style and it was all I’ve ever imagined. Ever since seeing The Big Lebowski and the way Donny was hyping it up, I knew that we were meant for each other.

We want to thank the Miami crew for showing up to The Mint, Felipe, Andy and Dan. Corey didn’t show up because he’s a skimp and shout out to Bobb from Best Coast for coming out to support. Felipe took us to the most fire late night Mexican spot called Cinco de Mayo. I had the California burrito with french fries inside…Fuego!

San Francisco  
We started our day in San Francisco by stopping at the airport to pick up our Co-Manager, Stephanie. She happened to be traveling for business so it was cool that we were able to line it up and have most of the crew together. Driving through the city is amazing! So used to driving in Miami that is flatter than my butt and all of the sudden it feels like you’re in a roller coaster. We of course drove through Lombard Street which was cool.

The next day we visited China Town for most of the afternoon. It was cool to see all the authentic food and the different markets.

After Chinatown we paid a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge. What an incredible structure. We also saw a seal in the water…super cute! We headed to Elbo Room where we performed with Rad Dad. Turns out that we went to High School with their guitar player, Siggy. He was a year older and we used to gig together when we were all 15. Small world! They were awesome and we hope to play with them again soon. Elbo Room is a sick venue! The sound and set up is great, we will def be back.
We drove the straight 11 hours or so after our show in order to make it comfortably for soundcheck at Ash Street Saloon. Brian from Average Pageant is a Florida native and has seen us play before. Again, small world. We had a fan named Ben who pre-ordered the record in the “Indigo Blue” and came to the show and got his copy signed. Thanks, man!!!!

We arrived to Portland with enough time to go for a hike. So we checked out Forest Park and got lost in the woods for a few hours. We wondered the streets of Portland marveling and trying to find the spots in Portlandia. We found “Women and Women First” bookstore. Portland is sick!!