
Exploding In Sound

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Exploding In Sound

Exploding In Sound Records officially began as a label in October of 2011 and our first release came out in March of 2012. Things have been getting progressively more awesome with each release (call it a learning curve) and I'm thrilled with everything we have done so far and all that lies ahead. Seems as though people are starting to take notice, and we're most definitely appreciative for that.

The label was founded by myself and Dave Spak, both of us having spent many years living in Boston (though neither of us are there anymore). We met while in college through mutual friends, and I think were quick to bond due to the fact that I’d never nerded out so much about music with a stranger. I had always had the idea of one day converting my blog Exploding In Sound into a record label after building an audience and Dave was busy with his own blog Stereo Typing Music. We’d frequent the Allston basement scene and the bar/ club shows together, seeing local favorites like Pile, Grass Is Green, Fat History Month, Dirty Dishes, Doomstar!, etc. and at some point I realized, these weren’t just the local bands I got to see all the time, these were my absolute favorite bands… anywhere. The vibe of the basement scene was more than a bunch of sweaty kids crammed into dank basements, there is an ever apparent deep connection between the bands, the audience, and the music. And so it began…

I moved to Brooklyn for a job and Dave moved shortly after, but being thrust into a sudden adulthood (of sorts) only helped to cement the beginnings of the label. We agreed to release Pile’s record in October and with that Exploding In Sound Records was born. Shortly after we added Grass Is Green and then recently formed Speedy Ortiz to the roster, three amazing bands we pretty much live for. EIS is a very humble label with the simple intention on creating more exposure for the bands we love. The experience of being able to work with our favorite bands has only made me want to work harder… who needs a social life anyway. The entire label is like family (only more awesome), and the natural chemistry between us and the bands has led to the label’s expansion.

While our start was deeply rooted in Boston, we have not limited ourselves to one city. Over the past year we’ve been joined by Fat History Month, Two Inch Astronaut (Colesville, MD), Ovlov (Newtown, CT), Geronimo! (Chicago, IL) and we’re super excited to announce that EIS will be releasing the long awaited full length debut from Porches. (NYC via Pleasantville). We’re still a young label, but by summer’s end we will have ten releases, with a crazy Fall schedule ahead as well. I can't wait to see how things continue to grow.

We will be having an unofficial Exploding In Sound Records Northside showcase co presented by Gimme Tinnitus at Big Snow on June 15, kicking off at 5 PM with Pile, Speedy Ortiz, Grass Is Green, Two Inch Astronaut, Fat History Month, Porches., Ovlov, and Hive Bent. Get there early, you won’t want to miss a minute.