
Farewell Republic's DC punk picks

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Farewell Republic released their debut Burn the Boats February 21. Here they share some of their Washington D.C. favorite flavors.

Q and Not U, “Air Conditions”
DC punk slow jam. In an imaginary punk rock high school dance you could totally slow dance with your girlfriend to this. I remember standing at their final show and being struck by how beautiful this track was. Best non-Radiohead show I've ever been to.

Fugazi, “Rend it”
Great Fugazi song or greatest Fugazi song?? Insane track off my favorite Fugazi record. THE FUCKING CHORUS.

Fugazi, “Epic Problem
The last minute of this song is awesome and really catchy/poppy (a different flavor for Fugazi).

D Plan, “The City”
The guy who wrote Kelly Clarkson's 'Since You've Been Gone' is clearly a big fan of this song as well.

Medications, “Magazines for Entertainment”
The heirs to the Dischord throne once Q and Not U broke up. These guys are riff machines. The chorus has the classic ascending minor scale thing but it doesn't feel cliche at all.

Nation of Ulysses, “N Sub Ulysses”
I can only imagine how amazing it must have been to see Nation of Ulysses take the stage in a small club back in the day and break into this song.

Supersystem, “Defcon”
This is a fun dance-punk song.

At the Drive-In, “Star Slight”
Just kidding…

Rites of Spring,”For Want Of”
Guy Picciotto.. enough said. Figured I had to throw in one '80s track.

Beauty Pill, “Bone White Crown Victoria”
This song grooves really hard. Chad Clark (the guy behind this band) recorded tons of your favorite DC bands' records. My friends and I were really into this track in high school. This song is the perfect example about how in DC, 'punk rock' can mean so many different things musically. The EP this is off of is awesome.