
Owl vs. Shark vs. You…

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Rather than read PEOPLE magazine, memoirs of a geisha, or “follow” the fittest fastest men and women on earth via their ever evolving twitt-icisms…I like to think about the SWAG of finer creatures, something more simple and “survived”, that serves a purer purpose…

I like to think about purpose…

But first, some fun facts about my two favorite creatures, the OWL & the SHARK…

The OWL… Is most perfect and purposeful, precisely designed by time and death to be awesome for its aggregate self in any environment. Severe eyes and ears on silent wings, it hunts all night for life then spits out spheres of skeleton and skin…

The owl can rotate its head 270 degrees, and invert its face, it also has 3 sets of eyelids, one for blinking, one for sleeping, and one for cleanliness/eye health. Owls have the ability to open and close their ears as well. The Owl’s vision at night is nearly the same as its vision in the day, and they can hear mouse footsteps from 60 feet away. Most importantly they are silent flyers, their wing and feather structure allows them to take flight with no noise at all, as they ride the night like hunt incarnate.

A group of Owls is called a parliament, wisdom, or study… Owls are found in all regions of the earth, except Antarctica… Just like the Shark…: )


Needs no introduction, we personify it constantly on cable television, but it is “IT”, a massive mouth with speed and strength in a world of water no wilder than itself. This creature, at its best, is the “Michael Jordan” of earth.

The Shark is born alive and swimming, not from eggs like most fish, the mother does not provide any means of feeding the growing embryos in the womb. They are expected to eat unfertilized eggs while in the womb, and later when those are gone, each other. Sharks, can hear and smell a fish in the water from more than a mile away. A single shark can produce 20,000 teeth in its lifetime, and looses one every day. However they do not chew, they use their teeth for biting and tearing food. Sharks do sleep, but they do not slumber, they rest, and yes some must swim while they do so, or die.

A group of sharks is called a gam, grind, or shiver…

Rarely have more cruel or correct creatures been crafted, from generations, on a beautiful boulder called earth. The Owl and Shark have been repeatedly “spell checked” by evolution, as to explore the furthest reaches of survival, on earth….on purpose.

And again, I like to think about purpose…

I am not a religious fella, but I am sort of a, “dumb for it” dreamer/believer, so for the majority of my life I have tried to toggle between faith in fate and/or destiny…and then the occasional foretelling dream or two, in order to divine a little direction for myself in the world…

But I must say after, rather at this point during, my glad time on the good blue-green globe…I do not vote for fate, rather chance and/or nature seems to run things on the corner called alive. What one would call “destined” is possibly, a delightful disposition in mankind to glorify/pay attention to the details.

Hence, as per my experience, I am fairly sure we smash around like eccentric atoms, with agendas, in apartments and offices all day, meanwhile our general concept of life is modeled by “a being on a B-line for all things beautiful and beyond”. Sometimes I feel our concept of life on a daily basis, is probably modeled better by “how the ocean hits the shore”…always and differently.Then sometimes, where water otherwise just rushes the sand repeatedly, cool shit happens: a whale washes up, a syringe rides inside a loaf of sea-foam, maybe two crabs fighting to the death over a loogie of eggs…

That being said I do declare purpose…

exists or thrives on earth, not like happiness or other complex concepts, man has given name and definition to. Rather purpose has a friend/root in earth life, in evolution, purpose being something intangible yet definite, and persistent species wide, when regarding the less complicated life forms…like a bed-bug or liken. Evolution certainly defines the differences between one creature’s purpose and another’s.

Are there then countless amounts of creature with a kagillion purposes? Just like all the college students abandoning majors at all times across the globe…NO. Everything not “us”, still prays to the food chain, and that’s it, more or less…they all share a more similar & streamlined purpose, some creatures just serve it better than others.

And that is gorgeous, like an old wind up toy can be, down right stunning, when you stop to appreciate about it. We are dentists, lawyers, quarterbacks, hostages, bankers, and dishwashers…the rest of the world is hungry or fed…eating or ate…

These are my kind of numbers, one to one…I can believe in this, and trust my life between no purer poles…and every time I think in this direction, I find myself so solely fond of the perfect predator. I wish I could take this predator’s razor of “doing right by you” and use it to discern my path through our over-choiced world, at all times…I would sleep like steel and wake as flames for such a B-line to prime purpose…

I am not saying I want to take up mass murder, between beat-making, cat petting, and poem writing, I am just saying, all of us sucked at one thing or another regarding gym class or arithmetic. We are a rather unspecialized creature thinking its way to a subjective head based perfection…this is by far a nobler task than, learning to eat more faster at all times, but is our head where our purpose is? Or can/could be found? I don’t know…

I assume it is a bit of both…humans still suffer the same globe wide we-all-eat-shit-sleep patterns, as any animal, yet we have all this frontal lobe to spend our centuries inventing off of…and evolving up&down within.

In the end, You decide, who the better role model for ones ever developing self should be…a movie star, professional athlete, billionaire boy, or something more simple and “survived”…

Say, the Owl or the Shark.

Here’s to them, may I feel more like both, as I bank online, cut prose, plug in keyboards, or even greet the day…all hail the creatures who tread in this world’s wilderness like they own it… I like to think this is because these creatures are so “one” with their purpose, they wear it like cocked hats…proud transparent crowns of, doing perfectly, what this world wants with you… If so, I tip my purpose, to such creatures.

Love, adam “doseone” drucker