
Patrick & Charlie of Blouse

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Love and Rockets, “Everbody Wants To Go To Heaven”

Charlie: The intro is really captivating. We love the way this song builds, the simple structure, and the unexpected sax solo–or is it a clarinet? It’s pretty epic.

Patrick: Yeah, they make incredibly lush and epic music. “Saudade” is still one of my favorite instrumental songs of all time. They are obsessed with heaven apparently.

Lush, “For Love”

C: Love the chimy guitar, the melody, the drum rolls. Not usually a fan of bridges, but this one is rad. There’s a lot of energy in this song, but it’s kind of relaxing.

P: I think every video in the 90’s looked like this. I’m totally fine with that.

Suicide, “Cheree Cheree”

P: Suicide make simple music. That's why we like them. It's amazing what one little glockenspiel sound can do (1:12) to carry the song all the way till the end. Drum machine dream as well.

OMD, “Souvenir”

C: Oddly, this song is fun to rock out to. The keyboard melodies are so amazing that they stand in for the chorus. Also, great use of background synth voices.

P: It's so fitting this video is centered around Andy McCluskey, lead singer and bass player for OMD, driving around the country side. This song has saved me on many a road trip. It never gets old.

Talking Heads, “Heaven”

C: I’ve always loved this song. The bass line, David Bryne’s mysterious lyrics, and the way the chorus makes you feel so sad. It grows on you. I love his voice.

The Velvet Underground & Nico, “Femme Fatale”

P: I found this video when I was on a Velvet Underground & Nico obsession a few years back. I love everything about this video.. from the NICO nameplate opening shot, to the mood onstage. Her voice has influenced our music in many ways.