
Plastic Sound Supply

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It was 2007 and our previous label home – Nobot Media – was calling it quits. The music industry was experiencing massive changes as it tumbled towards a mostly-digital destiny. Physical media was becoming harder to sell, and the idea of a net-centric label was emerging as a more serious enterprise than the early “net labels”. Rather than follow the high-risk model of so many traditional record labels before us, we were determined to create something unique, and wanted to have the freedom to operate outside of the outdated practices of the music industry.

Plastic Sound Supply was founded by Denver-based artists CacheFlowe, Scaffolding, and Snowblinded as a platform for our music, art and design. We came together around a mutual love for the golden era of IDM, but have broadened our vision to focus on unique, experimental music with at least some electronic elements. Our styles range from techno and IDM to future bass, psychedelic folk, dubstep, beat-driven shoegaze and many sounds in between. Most of our music comes from a tight-knit group of Colorado-based artists, though we've enlisted some notable remixers like Machinedrum, Starkey, Chrissy Murderbot and Michael Fakesch (formerly of Funkstörung).
As professional multimedia artists, we believe the label's visual aesthetic is just as important as the the music. This is primarily the vision of Snowblinded, though Rafa Jenn, Technicolor Greyscale, and R. Angermuller have contributed to a diverse collection of album art, t-shirts and more. We've collaborated with great video artists, designers and musicians, and continue to explore new possibilities for our collective art project.
PSS focuses on quality over quantity and originality over marketability. We'd rather stay original and obscure than decline with fleeting trends. We've held remix contests and text-message giveaways, released music videos and hand-crafted physical products, printed t-shirts and stickers, and have given away lots of free music. Each release has a permanent microsite home at that serves as a digital replacement for old-school physical packaging, with art, information, videos and other assets. In the age of digital media overload, we take great care to honor the presentation of our work.

Plastic Sound Supply :: Label Sampler by PlasticSoundSupply