
Jason Hendardy of Permanent Collection

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I wanted to make a list of youtube music videos because I grew up watching them and feel like within our modern world Youtube is the modern day MTV. I was never a huge fan of MTV, but I can't deny that I never watched it. Here's a list of music videos that probably were skimmed over during the MTV glory days.

Black Tambourine, “For Ex-Lovers Only

My friend’s sister showed me this band unknowingly when I was in high school. She gave her apartment keys to her brother and we would go drink and listen to music at her place while she was on a trip. While all the kids were listening to The Grateful Dead at my school I figured this moment saved me from becoming a dead head.

Shop Assistants, “Safety Net”

Classic tour music video, plus awesome song.

Further, “California Bummer”

Not knowing that there was another band called Further, started by some guys from the Grateful Dead, I was confused to see that Further was playing at The Bill Graham sometime last year. Luckily I didn’t buy tickets because it wasn’t the LA band it was The Dead dudes’ side band with the same name.

Part-Time, “Thunderbolts of Love”

Part Time is probably one of my favorite guys/bands making music in San Francisco. Thunderbolts of Love is a catchy pop song with one of the best usages of blue screen I’ve seen.

Terry Malts, “Tumble Down”

I kind of cheated with this one because it’s not a music video, but it’s Terry Malts. What this video doesn’t show is all the people wasted behind the camera and all the beer flying in the air. One of the most fun bands to see live in San Francisco.

Ride, “Like a Daydream”

This song is so good, plus I’m a sucker for this music video. I like to think of it as their polite fuck you to The Beatles, visually that is.

Sonic Youth, “Death Valley 69”

Uh, Lydia Lunch, directed by Richard Kern, guns, and dead mutilated people. It’s every boys dream music video, but add Sonic Youth and it’s like a classic or something.

Big Black, “Passing Complexion”

No drums, no problem. I’m not going to lie, I nerd out on Steve Albini a lot. Plus I always thought their waistband guitar straps were bizarrely mesmerizing.

Spectrum, “How You Satisfy Me”

Besides being a good song, the video makes Sonic Boom look like a badass, even when he’s standing next to a mirror playing guitar to himself. Maybe it’s a hint that he satisfies himself…

Sinead O’Conner, “Nothing Compares 2 U”

I had to add this one for a couple of reasons. I’ll never forget when Sinead ripped the photo of the pope in half on SNL and I once saw a man cry to this video.

Listen to Jason's band Permanent Collection here.