
The Jimmy Whispers Tour Diary

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Jimmy Whispers tour

Philly really is the city of brotherly love! I had the privilege of playing with Mr. R Stevie Moore—the true god father of lo-fi—and one of the greatest songwriters to ever walk this earth. We hit it off, he gave some good advice. I suggested he piss out the green room window because the bathroom was too far away, but he didn't, because he's the man.

My heart was on fire, and at a point crowd surfing during my set, I was carried up and over the top balcony (pictured above). R. Stevie was into my performance, and during his own set, pointed over to me and told the crowd “I like this guy's style.”

R. Stevie's set was ecstasy. I might have cried a little. He and his band played for 45 minutes and left the stage. He came back up alone and did 20 minutes of his spoken word / poetry / comedic banter; “I was here first, but they got me playing last. What's up with that?” and “Let's break up and get back together again. How's your daughter is she dating? Give her my card.” Then the band returned to stage and they played another 45 minutes until Johnny Brenda's wanted to close up. We made plans to play some more shows together in the future. 🙂

Homeboy Mike from Purling Hiss is all 'bout it…

The one day off during the tour, Benny (aka Adventure) picked me up at the Whitemarsh, Maryland mega-big-daddy-mall. Megabus no longer goes to Baltimore. We drove into town and went to Floristree, where Benny lives. That night Beach House's super group were performing Gene Clark's “No Other” at Floristree along with lead vocals from Fleet Foxes, The Walkmen, and Grizzly Bear members. While the sold out crowd filed in, Benny and I sat in his bedroom studio smoking weed out of a tin tea kettle and eating candy. After the Gene Clark documentary screening was over, I was still very high and starting to get drunk, and went outside.

Even though most of the people in attendance had never really listened to “No Other”, they paid an honest tribute and turned their fans onto something new. The show was pretty immaculate, note for note.

The following day I took the train to DC early to shoot a video for a new NPR feature, before Adventure and I played a house party. One of the dudes doing the shoot dropped me of at the show in an 80's Mercedes. We were blasting top 40 hip hop and I was wearing a fake fur coat. I felt like a goddamn pimp.

We drove back to Baltimore at night after the DC show… and I woke up to this!!! I thought heaven was opening up and God wanted to make love to me…

Brooklyn show at Death By Audio was good times fun stuff and our pals Cloud Becomes Your Hand and Laser Background opened. Cloud Becomes Your Hand and Edan from DBA insisted that my “Summer in Pain” zine was like a weirdo very adult Dr. Seuss.

Adventure getting the pretty babies in motion…

My second worst crowd surfing attempt of the tour…

Back to Baltimore the following day for a show at The Crown. Some of Benny's roommates opened, also my buddy Al from WUME (who I knew from back in Chicago) opened doing his new solo thing as Functionary. He moved to Baltimore recently and now does sound for Dan Deacon, who was also in attendance.

Bittersweet though! Was the last night playing with Adventure… I'll miss listening to Underworld on repeat with him in his car.

Finished up the tour in Boston with local rock and rollerskaters Earthquake Party and Free Pizza. The pizza wasn't free. But, here's a nice group photo @ Charlie's Kitchen in Cambridge!

Here's a drawing of my Boston performance from an adoring fan with a heart of gold! Pretty accurate if you ask me!

I love the East Coast. It's where it all started… You know? America! While I might be devoting my life to Summer in Pain, I'm using art and music as vessels to explore this big lonely world.. I want to be a part of it all. The love and mercy and justice for all. I'll be here to sing you love songs.

Tour Dates
07 Chicago @ Subterranean w/ Dan Deacon (sold out)
14 Chicago @ The Hideout
15 Austin – SXSW – Ty Segall + Panache Rager @ Spiderhouse
16 Austin – SXSW – Panache Hangover Party @ Beerland
24 Brooklyn @ Baby's All Right w/ Calvin Love + Tops