
66 Indie Band Names Taken From Feb. 5th’s New York Times

Post Author:

  1. Unspeakable Assault
  2. Braving the Elements
  3. Elite Units
  4. SuperPAC
  5. Deep-pocketed Donors
  6. Like-minded Colleagues
  7. Steadfast Dog
  8. Corrections
  9. Still Defiant
  10. Hamid Karzai & His Senior Aides
  11. Immovable Cultural Relic
  12. Labyrinthe Heart
  13. Cultural Bureaucracy
  14. Saboteurs on Sunday
  15. Realm of Beasts
  16. Seowon
  17. American Bottom
  18. Risk to the Bureaucracy
  19. 9-9-9
  20. Mr. Morse
  21. Agents Who Know Us
  22. Deputize
  23. Mother Grateful
  24. Top of the Women’s List
  25. Voter Fraud
  26. Dramatic Soprano
  27. Nameless Europeans
  28. Leaving Children Unattended
  29. Ignore the Pigeons
  30. Sudden Withdrawal
  31. Born and Raised in Sweden
  32. Last Second Heave
  33. Explosive Playmakers
  34. Cool and Dry
  35. Central Plains
  36. Curves Toward Capella
  37. Real Estate Porn
  38. Psychological Shadowlands
  39. Echoes of the First
  40. Pacioli’s Close Friend
  41. Wink-wink
  42. The Cut Up Method
  43. Failed Allusions
  44. Solo Traveler
  45. Blond, Affable Man
  46. Club Med Veterans
  47. Amplified Oinking
  48. Artistic Exile
  49. Teenage Ears
  50. Summer Kicks
  51. Modernizing the Island
  52. A Stab at Something Different
  53. Falling Flat
  54. Incompetent Cops
  55. Libretto
  56. Extremely Tender Feet
  57. Rebel Festival
  58. A Dreadlocked Mail Carrier
  59. Not So Secret
  60. That Certain Something
  61. Searching for Answers
  62. Probably a Backlash
  63. Intangible
  64. Digital Dominance
  65. Bejeweled Albatross
  66. Mental Maps

This piece was originally published by BJ Fischer on Thought Catalog. You can follow Thought Catalog on Twitter here.