
Absolute Fantasy, “20th Century Analysis”

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Previously one half of the Alligator Indian duo (with Alisha Erao), Matthew Erao started spending time reflecting on his life around his 30th birthday and from this, Absolute Fantasy was created. His process for creating his new material is so cool – using samples of pieces he had written for school a decade earlier, and recalling memories and feelings from his college days. It’s a walk on the wild side for us, and a walk down memory lane for him. One of the earliest tracks to come from this new project is titled “20th Century Analysis”. We had the opportunity to check out the track, and here’s what we think.

“20th Century Analysis” is a part of the upcoming EP, Well Come Home. The beginning is ominous, with a low hum of sound with electronic embellishments on top. The tempo is moderately slow, and the vocals feel slightly muted, so they melt right into the instrumentals and they work as one, with no separation. One thing is for sure – by the end of this song, you’ll be singing “When I fall, when I fall, when I fall…” t00.

Well Come Home will be released on September 5th via Memory No. 36 Recordings.