
BOYTOY, "Want"

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Hazy, melodic, and smooth.


BOYTOY, from NYC, float somewhere between 60s surf jams and 90s grunge rock. Founding the band in 2013, Glenn Van Dyke and Saara Untracht-Oakner craft catchy, fuzzy, rock nuggets with a universal, summer feel. Fresh off the wrap-up of their European and Puerto Rican tours, the group has plans to record their sophomore, full length album in March of 2017.
Chiming in on drums is Chase Noelle, and Lena Simon on bass. BOYTOY also has plans for a 7″ and a 7″ split single that is coming out at some point this month.


BOYTOY has put an innocent, yet edgy touch on “Want”. “I want to feel what it feels like / to feel you feeling me” is the unenthusiastic, chanting spin in their narrative.
Their whole sound is drawn back and atmospheric, that even plays into a tinge of psychedelia. All of it sits well, with their chorus incredibly different from anything I’ve heard before.


BOYTOY is playing a release show on Jan. 9th, which you can find a Facebook event page for. If you cannot make that, you can at least keep up with the group on their Facebook, where their important announcements are made. Pre-orders for Putty, the release which “Want” is off, can be found on Bandcamp.