
Exclusive – Ritual Talk – Sense

Post Author: Impose Automaton

Brooklyn-based, kaleidoscopic indie rock band, Ritual Talk, announce their debut EP, “Rippled Glass”, due out in September 2017. Primary songwriter, Alex DeSimine (vox, guitar, keys), began writing music in his adolescence as a means of sorting out a jumbled mind. The band came to the realization when DeSimine moved in with bassist, Alex Tremitere and drummer, Tom Criblez, and elicited the help of Dylan Gleit (guitar, vox), who previously performed with Criblez and Tremitere, and TJ Alcala (keys, vox). The band’s distinct vocal layers, with all five members singing live, added a new level of excitement to their live set. The song “Sense” is about how there is no one that will ever exist that carries the same singular world perspective as you, and you, therefore, have a duty to cultivate that. Their sound puts you in hypnotherapy, as you listen, the guitars take you into a smooth and gentle wave while soothing your senses. It takes you on a personal journey. You won’t be able to stop listening.