
Flower Orgy, “Googling Suicide”

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After taking time off from Flower Orgy to work on the psychedelic dance pop project Wabi Sabi TV, Nate Luce is back with a new Flower Orgy song, off of a new tape due out March 31 on his tape label New Camp Records. It’s spacey and slow—stream of consciousness spoken word about the double meaning of “suicide” over waves of noise—”googling ‘suicide’ / coming up with prevention lines / except I’m looking for the band / only two people / so we don’t need a van.” According to Luce, he began working on it almost two years ago but needed time to feel right about releasing it into the world. Luce explains over email: “It’s a little farther out/darker I guess than anything I’ve put out before and it took me a while to feel ready to release it.”