Jah Lion, Dub Bible

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It can be hard to find good dub outside of the classics, crate-dug gems, and the rare collection of avant dubs (Sherrif Lindo & The Hammer Ten Dubs That Shook The World come to mind). Not to say there isn't a wealth of these to go around, but it seems that fresh, new perspectives on the genre are hard to come by. The wheel, so to speak, has been invented.

In comes Roll Over Rover. With a dub project that I am assuming was done by all whities, the name and concept (drone dub?) seem tongue in cheek to the point of surely turning off purists. However, while this cassette sports some majorly drawn out dubbage, use of electronics and other non-orthodox reggae instruments, not to mention potent levels of psychedelia, it remains rooted in roots reggae. Thick bass lines, hypnotic drums, soothing vocal harmonies and syncopated guitar and organ riffs are the meat of the milieu here. A very refreshing jammer.

Jah Lion, “Two 7's Clash”

I have no idea who plays in this band, as it is likely just a one-shot session that made it's way to tape. I think Sean McCann plays his strings on some tracks and otherwise it's likely whoever is involved in the Roll Over Rover camp.

Speaking of said camp, they have other top quality releases you should check out.

Roll Over Rover, live on the web.

Dub Bible, now out of print, offered for free download from the label.