
Track x Track: Galanos Premiere + Break Down Deceiver Receiver

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No strangers to Impose Magazine, Galanos craft moody, seductive rock that explore the darker elements of humanity. Their latest album, Deceiver Receiver, builds on their narrative world with a mixture of The Kills-style noir and searing post-punk.
To celebrate the release of Deceiver Receiver, we had Galanos break it down for us in their own words, track by track. Check it all out below and be sure to order your copy of the album here. Also be sure to catch them at the Anchor in Kingston NY on 11/18 with Zero Mean.

“Loneliest of Men” – We rotate in a frozen, violent, self-defeating space. The altar is full of self-sacrifice and we destroy ourselves for nothing.
“Padre Song” – A dead father calls upon his offspring to be both an inspiration and a connection to the living world.
“Flashbomb” – A household infused with the suffering of routine abuse finds an answer in the traumatic reflections of a survivor.
“Mariana Trench” – The gnashing teeth of sharks punctuates the brutality of humanity in a place and time where there is no space for the weak.
“Letters from Home” – a meditation on the sometime unwelcome nature of returning.
Stunner – Pre-Raphaelite term for someone gorgeous. In the rush to create, the artist neglects the totality of the Muse.
“Mr. Friend” – Inspired by J.C. Oates, a reflection on the horrors of an abusive relationship and how one person can seem magical to someone who is lost and desperate.
Dead Leaves – A mystery about time and the implacable illusion of linear movement. Love destroys the parameters of both death and time. Hagakure.
“Feel Good” – A man is tormented by both his own nightmarish visions and his sexual/predatory desires while stalking another man.