
Team Robespierre + NYPD at the Chicken Hut

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Note: The footage that resulted from this party was used in Team Robespierre's video, “88th Precinct”.

Friday heralded the reopening and prompt closing of the cavernous Chicken Hut, where Team Robespierre got to play before the NYPD put on their own performance. Japanther promised a 4am secret rescue set, but we missed that one. Thanks to Rebecca from for this bad-ass photo essay on the lawless scene that even the cops couldn't save from Bikes in the Kitchen, skateboards on the roof, a masked avenger who may or may not design our fliers (we're not talking), and a few disgusting make out sessions. Still, it was a close call. Someone could have poked an eye out (or something else) if Japanther had played as scheduled.