
Carey, “You Were Right”

Post Author: Amelia Pitcherella
Carey, "You Were Right"

For a band that’s pretty new on the scene, Nashville’s Carey are already sporting a very tight sound—their fuzzy, analog brand of power pop is immediately catchy. Their debut self-titled EP, out today via Old Flame Records, feels deeply indebted to groups like Weezer and Teenage Fanclub while maintaining a blunt, sometimes self-deprecating lyricism and a melodic angle that’s promisingly unique and sincere. They’ve boldly termed their own sound “carport rock” because they feel their music doesn’t align with the “sweaty, dude-rock world of garage rock.”

The second track on the record teems with upbeat energy, a whining lead guitar crossing the grungy rhythm section, but the lyrics are resoundingly bitter. “I remember when you told me you had only ever loved yourself,” singer Bryan Davidson admits, and after a heavy drop he throws us the kicker: “You were right.” The video, directed by Chris Ranker, is a lot of fun and comparatively only mildly depressing, featuring a night of bowling and beer with the band and despondent-looking bear. Carey says, “Basically we just wanted it to look like any other normal night, but with a sad, ratty bear tagging along.” The old camcorder lends the atmosphere a muted, nostalgic quality—perfect for a sad, ratty bear and in line with Carey’s decision to record the EP on tape.