
Premiere: Evil Eyes, “Keep Your Mind On Me”

From their recent album Borderlines, Evil Eyes debut the moon-bound adventures in their video for, "Keep Your Mind On Me". Like their big production video for, "Shake The Dust", the band joins up again with Joe Lumbroso for an out out of this world and out of mind experience. Greg Mabry, Joe Frabotta, and vocals from Angelica Rockne, get visualized in a visual adaptation of mental fixations, wandering minds, and eyes that remain locked on the heart's chosen prize.

For this endeavor, Lumbroso transports Greg and Joe to different planets, and regional polarities from the tropics to polar ice caps. The band chase their dream girl played by Anna-Alexia Basile who gets taken away to far off planets by a galactic wrench, prompting a search party that feels in line with a cult-sci-fi film. Greg and Joe's quest finds them palling about with the sirens of, Charmaine Olivia, Roma Oeh and Misa Arnberger, before an asteroid knocks our fearless twosome out into space to continue on by rocket ship, by canoe, submarine, and by the compass of their mind, and the guitar tinted tones of their own desire. All the while, the slow and beautiful chord burn moves along each colorful, and home made scene to the next, seeking out new dawns and a familiar face. Somehow, the entire dreamlike odyssey feels propelled by the summation of the following opening lines; "I can feel you by my side, underneath the satellite and if you want to find me stare into the night sky, the golden age is gone, you can be there in your dreams, keep your mind on me."

Greg Mabry and Joe Frabotta talked with us on the making of the video, their upcoming EP, current audio selections, favorites, more recordings in the works, tour plans and more.

What films were you drawing from here in the making of this video?

J: The director, Joe Lumbroso, is a good pal of ours. He came up with the concept, and he wanted it to mix the styles of Michel Gondry and Wes Anderson. It was all filmed in an apartment here in SF, with a crew made up of our friends. All the materials used in the sets were found/recycled stuff. Also, props to Eric Otto, who designed and built all the miniatures.

What have you guys been listening to lately?

G: The new album by War On Drugs, Lost in the Dream, has been in heavy rotation around here. Also, the new Nick Waterhouse record Holly is really good.

Favorite local Bay Area artists you guys dig?

G: Tambo Rays, Cool Ghouls, Blood Sister, Antwon, Chris Isaak, Tom Waits.

Favorite not-so Bay Area artists that you guys also dig?

G: Lately: Nick Waterhouse, War on Drugs, The Men, Nils Frahm, The Mary Onettes, Forest Swords, Dirty Beaches.

Thoughts on the current state of the SF scene, and the exodus of artists/bands leaving SF for LA, Brooklyn, or wherever?

G: Too much talk, not enough action. Yeah it’s expensive. Yeah it’s annoying. But the constant bitching really doesn’t do much for me. The best we can do is dig in, keep making music we’re excited about, and support local talent.

Tell us about the larger sound you have in store on your upcoming four song EP.

G: It’s simultaneously leaner and more expansive. We tore the songs apart a few times and put them back together. I think it’s catchier and has bigger hooks. I also spent a ton of time mixing it—I really wanted a more defined, immersive sound. We’re excited for people to hear it.

What other sorts of dark, post-western surf slow riding sounds should we expect next?

J: We’ll put out another full length sometime in the fall. We already have the songs written—we’ve been calling it the 70’s album because a bunch of the songs have a classic rock vibe.

Spring and summer plan for Evil Eyes?

G: We’re putting together the live show—Joe is recovering from a hand surgery after a freak accident making lemonade. We’re dying to play out a bunch this spring and summer, then we’ll record the next record and hopefully hit the road for a fall tour

Evil Eyes' Borderlines is available now from Bandcamp.