
Jessie Jones, “Quicksilver Screen”

Post Author: Alex Wexelman
Jessie Jones quicksilver screen

Over the course of two pages former Feeding People lead singer Jessie Jones talks to the L.A. Record about alien abductions, the devil, Bigfoot, walking skeletons and chupacabras. None of these creatures seem like they would be out of place in her music video for “Quicksilver Screen”, which itself features mannequin heads, vampire Brad Pitt, a creepy oversized rabbit head and a hanged Woody doll.

There is a subtle eeriness to these scenes, which are juxtaposed against VHS footage, grainy camcorder shots of Jones dancing and location shots where the sun is always shining brightly.
The music is upbeat neo-psychedlia with a striking resemblance to MGMT’s “Alien Days” during the verse and the same group’s “Flash Delirium” during the chorus’ crescendo. Instead of complimenting her lighthearted song with a lighthearted video, Jones revels in casting a shadow over the sunniness of her song.

Shot in Orange County and produced by Bobby Harlow, Jones says of the video:

The idea is that the video/tv is like our memory. You can play the past over and over, or fantasize and make up an alternate reality. Diamond, the main character in the song, is looking for signs/clues about her lost lover. It’s kind of like he exists in her mind, and only communicates through her imagination. But she feels like she is going to find him in real life in the near future, so that’s why she is haunted by her outside world. True love is within and without everything, something that connects us to divinity and realms we don’t need proof for. All that lets us escape time and human reason.

“Quicksilver Screen” is from Jones’ self-titled debut, which is available now on Burger Records.