
Premiere: Long Distance Poison, “Signal 1”

Long Distance Poison, the Brooklyn droners, have been working with one of our favorite music videographers, Matthew Caron, to make distinctive pieces of visual art to accompany their music. I haven't seen the group live, but I assume that these ideas were originally concocted as a room-filling projection. The quick procession of images hides their intricate detail until about two seconds after you've seen them. A tactile, ribbed texture is the base, overlaid with a pallette of first an exploratory yellow and then darker shades. The mirrored trigonometry is inherently spacial; as the music progresses from astral explorations (not kidding: there are moments in the first part where we find ourselves murmuring, "These are the voyages…of the Starship Enterprise…") into a more interior digital world, the patterns speed up and become encapsulated in their own boxes – or out of them.

Long Distance Poison's Signals to a Habitable Zone is available to direct you to the loading dock of Deep Space Nine from Fin Records.