
Sing, Bird of Prey, “Painted Bones”

Post Author: Virginia Croft

Based out of Bethlehem, PA, Sing, Bird of Prey delivers tracks that toy with hints of Thom Yorke and dabble in the arts of Silversun Pickups. Consisting of David Nicholas (guitar/vocals), Dave Aon (guitar), Cliff Albert (drums/vocals), Todd Ashenfalder (bass), Tommy Heinick (trombone/trumpet/keys/vocals) and Andrew Valish (percussion), the group brings a whole new dynamic to the realm of glam rock. Having recently released their debut LP, Crystal Embryo this past September, the six piece set has delivered another gem, in the form of visuals accompanying “Painted Bones.”

In the video, we stumble upon the band, tattered and lifeless, and a drum set that has definitely had a little too much havoc wreaked upon it. Throughout “Painted Bones,” there is a charming effect of carelessness– the lyrics themselves question why anyone should be so careful about life. It becomes clear that the band has faced their demise, as we watch a looming figure take the life out of each member, one by one. Through strange montages of the band members surfacing from a bathtub, we’re taken on a ride that only Sing, Bird of Prey could take us on– equal parts psych rock and poetic perspective.

Keep up with the band here.