
Trans FX, “If I’m Losing You”

Post Author: Sam Lefebvre

This week, Trans FX released a new visual for “If I’m Losing You”, a highlight from the Olympia outfit’s eponymous debut, which Pacific Northwest labels Perennial and K co-released earlier this year. Electric piano cascades across synthetic handclaps and a spare kick, while elliptical vocal patterns impart a sense of defeated yearning. The video, directed by Trans FX, depicts a pair of denim-clad individuals on a very long escalator. They huddle on the right, clearing the way for more purposeful-looking pedestrians, and ascend towards the night sky and finally the street above, where they idle near a curb. The protracted, single take and unhurried stars befit the song, which seems to inhabit and expand moments of loss.

Earlier this year, Impose premiered Trans FX videos for “Why I’m Not Where You Are” and “Into the Blu”. Yesterday, Impose included Into the Blu in our Best Albums of 2015 feature.