
Wax Idols, “Glisten”

Post Author: Jes Skolnik

We pretty obviously dig Wax Idols, having just named their newest album American Tragic one of our top 20 albums of 2015, and we’re excited to premiere their latest video, for the tense, shuddering “Glisten”, directed by VOWWS. The track is an ode to the kind of hedonism that often follows a breakup—going out, fucking everyone and indulging desires you don’t normally give way to just because you can—driven by the acute pain of a wound just starting to heal and the sudden, giddy sense of not being beholden to anything or anyone. In the video, the band’s leader, Hether Fortune, crashes an appropriately goth Christmas party (note to world: goth Christmas parties are a great idea): we know the holidays can be trying times for many, and the video puts a cheeky slant on holiday anxiety.

(Note: the video has some intense strobe effects, so if you are seizure-prone or otherwise heavily affected by such things, you may want to be careful.)

American Tragic is available now via Collect Records.