
Babycastles are turning the Hayden Planetarium into a space ship you can drive

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Next Thursday, indie videogame collective Babycastles is showing the world Space Cruiser, a game built by Ivan Safrin for 200 people to play simultaneously within the Hayden Planetarium in New York's Museum of Natural History. Greg Fox (Impose's personal spirit animal) created the music for the game, and yes, Stephin Merritt of the Magnetic Fields is the voice of the ship's on-board computer.

For a fee of $75, guests at the event will play the game and a range of other Babycastles creations inside fresh cabinets created by students at MoMA teens, enjoy hors d'ourves and drinks for free, and see a performance by a group called One Ring Zero, in addition to playing the main game within the auditorium. (Special $45 discounted tickets can be acquired using the code “BEYOND”, via the Facebook event page.)

Babycastles, last seen occupying 285 Kent over the summer (movin' on up!), are a bunch of crazy noodleheads. Piloting the Hayden Planetarium like a ship is the dream of every kid who ever watched a Holodeck episode. This is completely sure to be an amazing experience.