
Co La/Jason Urick split on Friends

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Co La / Jason Urick

If it were possible, we'd pre-preorder the latest 7″ on Friends Records – and not just to sweet talk Bmore Music contributor/label owner Brett Yale. If we had an arsenal of interns, we'd assign them the task of posting “firsties” as IMPOSE on every website that mentions the Jason Urick & Co La split 7″. We would also deploy said interns to Baltimore to street team in the name of Friends and slab the split album art flyers across the city (no Kony). But enough with the hypothetical big talk, let's focus on the nitty gritty of the Jason Urick & Co La split.

Jason Urick's “Show Me” is head nod experience that reminds us of Dan Friel's Ghosttown record – in a very very good way. The beat marches through warped noise samples, while a Robot sounds like it was on the verge of a riveting singing performance, but began malfunctioning and glitching mid-song. Luckily, Urick caught kept the red light on the recorder on for the meltdown.

Matt Papich, as Co La, once again has our collective brains exposed and he's tapping on our pleasure zone with a pen to trigger little sensations in our tastebuds. On “See In The Dark” he drags a guitar strings down across the room, over a loop of Angelo Badalamenti's Twin Peaks soundtrack. All that cool noir bass and finger snap work takes us to the diner with a cup of coffee beneath our noses and our eyes transfixed on Audrey Horne's icey blues.

The Jason Urick & Co La split is out May 5 on Friends.