
Dream Boys, “Born Yesterday”

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LA's Dream Boys treat The Byrds Play Dylan as more than just a compilation, but rather a way of life. On their single “Born Yesterday”, they examine the independent roots of the past's power-pop resurgence as more than a happy accident but a historical celebration of lineage. The Los Angeles advocates of indie strike up the guitar jangle that made a new punk statement that you could mix genuine sentimentality with a stripped down rendition of the Byrds in the rekindled spirit of Arthur Lee's own rebellions with Love. In the world of Dream Boys, the skies are littered with the grooves of sonic flowers, every Tuesday is a gentle one, and the psyche of the 60s is just as punk as the 70s ever were. The secret charm of “Born Yesterday” is the rip it up and start again rebirth of the aforementioned cumulative past icons in the presentation and pop tone sound that was born today.

Dream Boys' self-titled will be available September 17 from Art Fag.