
Krug reveals plans for new Swan Lake album

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Swan Lake, “All Fires”

In a conversation last week with Spencer Krug (Sunset Rubdown, Wolf Parade), IMPOSE learned of definitive plans for a second Swan Lake LP, and tentative ones for touring. Mildly surprised that someone was excited about his imminent collaboration with Carey Mercer (Frog Eyes) and Dan Bejar (Destroyer, New Pornographers), Krug had this to say on the subject:

We'll probably be doing something. Actually, we'll definitely be doing something. The contract has already been signed, and we'll be going into the studio in February for our second LP. There's talks of touring but it's hard to say at this point what will happen. We'd have to take on extra musicians- and some of the music we recorded just can't be replicated on stage. About half the songs from the first LP, and maybe half from the next, but many of them just weren't written with the intention of being played live. But we're talking about doing a few live performances too.

No solid details yet, of course, but it appears that the trio (triumvirate?) already knows the sessions will afford time for both carefully composed tunes as well as some freer tracks that aren't built to breath outside a studio.

Stay tuned for a Wednesday feature on the man and his numerous plans, including thoughts on Wolf Parade (and their upcoming LP), the cathartic role of a private solo project that's long gone public, and why it's not surprising that Canada's music scene is one big inbred family.